Saturday, December 1, 2012

Gunung Semangkok - Day Hike

Gunung Semangkok - Advance Day Hike

Mount Semangkok (Gunung Semangkuk) is the highest point is the state of Selangor, standing at the height 1824 metres (5984 feets). This mountain was not accessible for a long time thus the exiting trail had over grown making it impossible to reach the summit. Previously, hikers can only reach up to camp helipad – the trail is very clear from the Pine Tree peak, but after this camp the trail fades away. I don’t really know why the mountain becomes so unpopular, till lately when groups of hiker recce back the trail. Now the trail is well marked by the “AWAS” tape.

The trailhead for Mount Semangkok is the same as for Pine Tree. After the Pine Tree, the trail descends with lots of ups and downs until Camp Sungai Merah (river). From here the trail ascends to Camp Helipad and the final part again has lots of ups and downs. Comfortably, 3 days and 2 nights would be an ideal hiking pace to scale this mountain for average hikers. However, it’s possible to do it as day hike which may requires up to 20 hours of continuous hike.

Mount Semangkok Profile (Thanks to Alex @KLHiking)

Twin Peak sunrise

Mount Semangkok Summit with Subra

The Time Split
Start: 05:50 (20th October 2012)
Twin Peak: 1:14:26; Rest - 7:16,
Pine Tree: 16:28; Rest - 26:25,
Camp Sg Merah: 1:16;22; Rest (5:12)
Summit:  2:12:22; Rest - 35.13
Total Ascend Time: 5 hours 38 minutes and 33 seconds

Camp Helipad: 1:13:56; Rest - 24:26 (catching up with Md Farid)
Camp SgMerah: 1:02:07; Rest – 4:40
Pine Tree: 1:44:08; Rest - 9:52
Twin Peak; 22:32
Trail Head: 1:35:47
Total Descend Time: 6 hours 37 minutes and 21 seconds

TOTAL TIME: 12 hours 51 minutes and 17 seconds

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Munintaran Sundram @ Leopard